In a world where lots of things are outside of our control and bring stress and fear into our lives, think about what you can control, couple it with self-improvement and actualization, and you will start generating your own light to push back against the darkness. [3 min read]
Taking the time to speak with various hiring managers is a great way to lower the risk of your decision to accept OR reject future opportunities. [3 min read]
If you can't provide details on exactly WHY and HOW you are a good fit for a certain job position, or give examples of similar experiences you’ve had that relate to it, then it’s probably not the right fit. [3 min read]
Next time you receive a sour or short message, remember not to take it personally. Every one of us is dealing with struggles that sometimes seep into our communication. Do your best to understand, be patient, and move on. [3 min read]
An honest assessment of yourself is the key to landing the position that is right for you. This is also the key towards accurately predicting your staying power within an organization. [3 min read]
Remember, when it comes to your resume, less is more! A good resume should highlight the most important things in your professional career and these should be easy to spot. [2 min read]
It's in everyone’s power to be productive even while working ‘remote’ and it doesn’t have to be complicated. Find what works best for you, share your experiences with others, and most importantly speak up when you need help. [3 min read]
The water industry is bifurcated into the large, but few, Goliaths and small, but numerous, Davids. With all the Goliaths dominating the airtime, why would a superstar candidate join a David?[3 min read]
While the empirical formula of water is universal, the reality is that water, specifically water quality, varies tremendously from one place to another. Here’s how it varies in the U.S., Mexico, and Germany. [4 min read]