Photo by Krsto Jevtic on Unsplash
Does this sound familiar?
You've chased down your next great opportunity and brought it to a close and then...BAM! Nothing seems to be happening and it feels like the conversation has stopped. You have completed all steps in the hiring process and the last conversation you had with the recruiter sounded promising. So what happened? Why are you hearing crickets? What happens next?
You may decide to sit tight. No follow-up call, email or text. It's possible you’re unsure of whether the ball is in your court or the other party’s. It's also possible it frightens you to see what's around the corner. There could be good news or bad news. You might worry that if you reach out at this stage, it might be considered annoying or poor etiquette.
I have two words for you to get out of this situation...”Follow Up!”
Yes, that’s right, go get your answer about the hiring process and what you can expect next. No need to be overbearing or intrusive, simply Follow Up. Do your part to not drop the ball and make sure you do everything in your power to let the appropriate parties know you want the gig. Use this opportunity to reiterate why you’d be a great fit for a specific position.
If you want to go the extra mile, think of sending a Thank-You note to the recruiter or hiring manager. By communicating with the hiring team, you will be informed about the status of the position and create a pathway to express your continued interest in the role.
No one ever regrets leaving it all out there. Be the one who Follows Up and know that you’re one of the few who is doing it right.
Written by: Rob Scherer, Vice President at Hunter Crown, LLC
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