Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash
I recently came home from traveling to a third-world country. While surrounded by some of the most beautiful ocean water, access to clean drinking water was a concern. As an American, who grew up with the availability of many resources at my fingertips, traveling always humbles me for many reasons. One of which is the availability of what we consider a basic human right: water.
However, it's more than clean, drinking water that is difficult for some people to attain. It’s also access to water as a resource for toilets, hygiene, cooking, cleaning, flowers/crops, etc.
This made me curious and inspired to do research about American water consumption.
According to an article from LawnStarter, here are some statistics on everyday tasks and products, and how much water they require:
One flush of toilet: 3 Gallons
Producing a roll of toilet paper: 12-37 Gallons
Dishwasher: 4–10 Gallons
Washing machine: 15 Gallons
10-minute shower: 20 Gallons
Full tub: 36 Gallons
Now, that is a lot of water!
We are lucky to have the resources and people who can continue to supply our water needs, and analyze data to make us more efficient. As we live our day-to-day lives, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that water is a valuable resource.
I hope we can remember to treat it as such.
Written by: Emily Onheiser, Senior Search Consultant at Hunter Crown, LLC
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