Stay Ahead to Keep Current


Is there anything better than knowing you are a major contributor? Letting your work speak for itself is one tactic to make it count. Another is to be a vocal leader and to know that whenever you speak, people listen.

But a key question is, are you staying current?

Are you at the forefront in terms of valuable skills in your industry? Are you working for a key player? Are you making a difference? Are you advancing or remaining in place?

Some search for and employ additional education to heighten what they have to offer. Others may take it upon themselves to try organizational tactics to get more out of their current workflow. The key is to do whatever you can to try and get ahead. By doing so, you’ll stay current. This makes you transferable in terms of what you can offer to other teams and companies. This can also be a way to get promoted within your current company. Additionally, this is essential to leading by example. By doing more and seeking more in your work life, you avoid stagnation and you definitely avoid being looked over.

Doing more is being more. The more you do, the more you accomplish, the better you feel.

The snowball effect takes time and effort, but once you take action, the sky's the limit. Studies show that those who set goals are 33% more likely to achieve them, and goal setting in general, is linked to higher achievement. Maybe it's getting your MBA, maybe it’s learning to program, maybe it's learning to simply type faster or be more efficient with your time. All of these things are ways to improve. 

We are in the 4th quarter of the year, officially. Make sure you stay current.


Written byRob Scherer, Vice President at Hunter Crown, LLC

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