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When applying for a job, you’ll want to market yourself for the role as best as possible. While some people choose to include any and all experiences in their resume, at first glance this can appear confusing. What does this person do, what role are they looking for, and what are they good at…?
It is important to be clear about what you are looking for when putting yourself on the job market and emphasizing the experience that makes you qualified.
Consider these three questions when applying for any role:
1. Does your location match the job posting?
If your location is in a different state or country than the job posting this may be a red flag that eliminates you from consideration for the role. If you are open to relocation it may be beneficial to include this on your resume. Every company is different and may or may not be open to relocating someone for the position.
2. Do you have the qualifications?
This may be a specific degree, license, or certification that is highlighted in the job description. If yes, make sure this is visible on your resume.
3. Is there a correlation between the job description and YOUR resume?
This may be the most crucial factor. At first glance, a hiring manager, recruiter, or HR personnel will be scanning your resume for the experience that aligns you with the position. A tip would be to edit your resume to include keywords listed in the job description. Your resume is the first step to getting an interview, make sure it markets your experience as best as possible.
Put yourself in the hiring manager's shoes and consider what they will be looking for in your resume. It may take a few extra minutes to tailor your resume to the position that you are applying for, but this may make all the difference in your job search.
Written by: Emily Onheiser, Senior Search Consultant at Hunter Crown, LLC
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